How To Play T-Rex World Multiplayer Android Games

T-Rex World - Playing T-Rex World Multiplayer Android Games is somewhat interesting. We choose card and use it on suitable space. We just use Attack, Use, Tame, or Next button. If we face card with dinosaurs image, we will use another dinosaurs with higher attack power and than attack button. The higher attack rate usually be winner.

welcome message from t-rex world

Welcome message from T-Rex World. It will appear when we play it first time.

objective goal of t-rex world
The objective goal of T-Rex World Multiplayer. You should get experience points by attack another player cards.

select your card to play t-rex
 Just select available card for playing.


T-Rex World Multiplayer Hints

  1. Don’t use card with lower attack rate, or you will lose your card. 
  2. When playing you may lose your card and haven’t any card. If you have many foods, by click next button you will be randomized to card available for buy, the price is below its card. Click Tame to buy it using your food stock. Repeat this next-clicking to collect cards. 
  3. Place your best attack power on empty place, than you will win on background attack. 
  4. If we face empty space, we can use another card to collect food or steal food, so our food will increase and we can use it on another case.

t-rex world click tame
Click Tame to buy the card
Click Attack to attack your enemy card

I hope it will guide your experience on T-Rex Multiplayer Android Games. You can add more hints on comment. Thanks.

Writer : Jumana Juma

Title : How To Play T-Rex World Multiplayer Android Games
Category :
Date : Saturday, June 01, 2013
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