How to Keep Your Health on World of Warcraft


  • Tweak the user interface to your affection and accomplish abiding you can baddest targets and casting heals with affluence and speed.
  • Be accustomed with the Five Additional Rule as explained in the FAQ section. It is more acceptable to array heals than steadily casting every few seconds, aback possible. Instants like Renew and Prayer of Mending assignment best the moment a alleviate with a casting time completes.
  • Learn to cast-cancel. If a Greater Alleviate is not yet needed, abandoning it afore it finishes will advice accumulate you out of the Five Additional Rule. Either move, jump, or hit Escape. You can additionally put /stopcasting in a macro with Greater Alleviate and aloof tap it to restart the cast. On bang-up fights which both ache backbone and account asperous accident to the tank, cast-cancelling can accumulate a big alleviate accessible in beneath than the accepted casting time.
  • PW:Shield, Binding Heal, and Holy Nova are options to aftermath beneath blackmail than accepted per hitpoint healed. Otherwise, blackmail will consistently be the aforementioned for acclimation a accustomed bulk of Health; you can alone adjournment such blackmail by not yet healing. Overhealing never counts as threat.
  • On pulls, it can be a acceptable abstraction to delay again casting Greater Alleviate to let the catchbasin authorize aggro. Depends on the catchbasin and whether any Hunters or Rogues are misdirecting threat. PW: Shield casting afore action is threat-free, but see the FAQ about assimilation and tanks.
  • Greater Alleviate should be your primary absolute heal; it is big and backbone efficient. Flash Alleviate is beneath able but finishes one additional earlier. Penance starts healing anon -- accumulation the strengths of both -- but is on a cooldown. Binding Alleviate is like two accompanying Flash Heals for beneath mana.
  • Accumulate Renew on tanks to bland out admission damage. Use it to application up added players who aren't in actual danger.
  • Prayer of Mending is actual able aback assorted accuse are used. It will accumulate selecting the everyman Bloom ambition in range. If Mending bounces aback to you, SW: Death will accelerate it on its way.
  • Set bang-up mobs to Focus, again watch the Focus Ambition anatomy to accumulate clue of their accepted target. Alternatively, ambition the bang-up mob and use mouseover macros or click-casting. This is important for administration with accessory targeting and for any catchbasin switching scenario.
  • Turn on 'Show Affable Name Plates' (Shift-V by default) to see bloom confined over adjacent affable targets; the confined themselves can be clicked. Tab through enemies, again alleviate their targets. Both are abnormally advantageous in PvP.

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Writer : Jumana Juma

Title : How to Keep Your Health on World of Warcraft
Category :
Date : Sunday, February 22, 2009
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